S.O Traders was established in the year of 2008 is a global trading company, is an Authorized Enlisted supplier of the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence people’s republic of Bangladesh. Coast Guard, Border Guard and Police HQ. We also specialize in civil building and road construction works. Moreover we work with various organization government and non government enlisted companies in Bangladesh.

Few of the important information are appended below:



Name of organization    : S.O Traders

Owner and CEO               : Tazuddin Ahmed

Address                             137/12-C, 9/10 Priangong Housing 2nd Colony, Mirpur 01, Dhaka-1216

Cell Phone                        : +88 01711 152865

E-mail                                This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web                                   www.sotraders.com.bd





S.O Traders has been successfully working with the following Government/Semi-Government agencies in Bangladesh with full confidence, credibility and reliability for more than 14 (Forteen) years. 


1. Director General of Defense Purchase (DGDP) under the Ministry of Defense,  People's Republic of Bangladesh.

2. Military Engineer Services (MES) (DW&CE Index No C-570 Navy) under the Ministry of Defense, People's Republic of Bangladesh.

3. Police Headquarters under the Ministry of Home Affairs, People's Republic of Bangladesh. 

4. Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC). under the Ministry of Agriculture,  People's Republic of Bangladesh.

5. Naval Store Sub Deport, (NSSD Dhaka) under the Bangladesh Navy, People's Republic of Bangladesh. 

6. Dockyard & Engineering Works Ltd,  Narayangong under the Bangladesh Navy, People's Republic of Bangladesh.

7. Public Works Department (PWD) under of Ministry of Housing & Public Works, People's Republic of Bangladesh.